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Bi-Annual: Submission Checklist

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Check that you are on track with your Bi-Annual Submission in Sage Pastel Payroll using this check list.


TIP: View our submission video here.

NOTE: You will only be able to generate your Bi-Annual file in the September to February periods in your Pastel Payroll Software.  You will have to finalise the August period and make a backup of this period, and roll into September or later in order to do your Bi-Annual Submissions.

Step Procedure Check

It is essential that you are on the latest update. Check the Download Manager to ensure you are up to date.
You can find the installation guide here

2 I have done all of my August preparations.
3 Reinstate employees that are on Maternity leave.
4 Re-Run your Exception report to make sure that all your exceptions are still cleared.
5 Generate your Electronic Certificates.
6 Terminate your Maternity leave employees.
7 Download and install the latest version of E@syfile.
8 Import your electronic file into E@syfile.