The Payslip Screen displays the information that will print on the employee’s payslip for the current
processing period. This includes earnings, deductions, perks and company contributions. The tax, gross and
nett salaries are immediately calculated as input is done on the Payslip Screen.
Payroll Processing can be divided into two main sections, namely:
- Employee Fixed Data Entry, and
- Financial Input.
We will briefly discuss what needs to be done in each section.
Employee Fixed Data (Employee Information (IS) Screen)
It is advisable to load all new employees before you do the rest of the monthly or weekly Payroll Input. When you add a new employee, the System will automatically move through the relevant screens for the employee, to ensure that all necessary information is entered.
It is important to review existing employee information and make any amendments before processing the payroll, especially items such as banking details to ensure the salary is transferred into the correct bank account.
Salary increases (Increase Screen) should also be actioned BEFORE any processing is done if the increase is effective from the current period. Any changes made AFTER processing will not be considered and the employee will be paid at the rate before the salary increase was processed.
Terminations should also be actioned before processing is done and the employees are paid.
Financial Input
Various forms of Input can be done on an employee’s screens. Numerous screens exist where Financial Input can be done.
For practical purposes Financial Input is divided into the following areas:
- Payslip screen Input,
- Payslip screen functions,
- Other Payroll screen Input,
- Batch Input,
- Global Input, and
- Separate Payslip Input.
We will only look at Payslip Screen Input.
The Payslip information is displayed on six different screens: Click on each screen name below for more information.
Summary Screen | Displays the Summary of the employee’s Earnings and Deductions and the Nett Salary. No entries can be made on this screen. |
Earnings Screen | Where Earnings may be entered, and are displayed. |
Deductions Screen | Where Deductions may be entered, and are displayed. |
Perks Tax | Where Perks Tax items may be entered, and are displayed. |
Company Contribution Screen | Where Company Contributions may be entered, and are displayed. |
Salary Cost | Displays the employee’s Earnings and Company Contributions giving the Salary Cost. No entries can be made on this screen. |