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Exception Report - Tax Total 4116 has a value but no 4005 exists

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You have received an Exception report stating that Tax Total 4116 has a value, but no tax total 4005 exists


If you are doing your Bi-Annuals or Year End submission when you get this error/exception you will need to Restore back to the last period for that reporting phase. The last period will be August (Bi-Annuals) or February (Year End) to do this correction.  If you restore you will need to then recapture all of the months between the month you are restoring to and the one you are currently in. If you do not wish to recapture, then you can have a chargeable datafix done.

  1. Click on Process, Payslips
  2. Click the Magnifying glass and select the employee that you are getting this exception for.
  3. This can be fixed in one of 2 ways:
    1. Add the medical aid codes to the payslip.
      Check the default tab to see if code 8000 and/or 8002 have been processed. If it has been processed, then you will have to add in the correct medical aid transactions that is applicable to your employee. Depending on the medical aid structure you use your PAYE, UIF and SDL might change
    2. Remove the incorrect codes from the payslip
      If the codes have been processed incorrectly and this employee does not have Medical aid these codes will have to be removed from the payslip. Click on the deductions tab. Click on the code 8000. Click to override checkboc and make the period value for 8000 a zero.  Make a note of the YTD (Year to Date) value. Process a negative YTD (year to date) of code 8000 under period amount.  If the nett salary has already been paid to this employee you will have to counter the amount processed on code 8000 against code 8005.  Changing the amount of 8000 will change the PAYE amount on your EMP201 and you will have to file for a correction.

NOTE: If the initial amount processed on the code 8000 was a negative, you will have to process the corrective value as a positive. If this person is terminated a datafix can be done to correct this exception at a chargeable fee. You can make a booking using the online platform here.