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e@syFile Error: "Employment Tax Incentive indicator is 'Y' and Nature of person (3020) must be A or C or R or M; Code 3026"

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How to resolve the SARS e@syFile Import error 'Employment Tax Incentive indicator is 'Y' and Nature of person (3020) must be A or C or R or M; Code 3026'


You are generating the IRP5 files for either the Annual or Interim SARS Submission and importing them into the SARS e@syFile software application.


The error message indicates that the employee qualified for the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) during the submission period, however the nature of person on the tax certificate does not allow ETI calculations.

Nature of person:

  • A - Individual with an identity or passport number (is not an Asylum seeker, pensioner nor refugee)
  • C -  Director of a private company or cc (no longer applicable from 2020 year of assessment – now included as Nature of P - A)
  • R = Refugee 
  • M = Asylum Seekers


NOTE: For more details on 'Nature of person' click here.

  • Check if the employee qualified for ETI during the submission period (ETI History screens)
  • If the employee did qualify for ETI during the submission period:
    • The error indicates that information was removed from the Employee Information Screen (IS) where ETI previously calculated for the employee
    •  Ensure that the ID number and/or Permit number is completed on the Employee Information Screen (IS) as it was on the ETI History screens (the tax certificate will populate the information from these fields)
      • ID number is the 13-digit identification number and is entered on the Personal Details Tab. If there is already an ID number, click on the field to validate if the ID number is valid.
      • Asylum Seeker is flagged and Work Permit number is entered on the Employment Tax Incentive Tab
      • Refugee is flagged and Refugee Number is entered on the Employment Tax Incentive Tab
  • If ETI calculated incorrectly (E.g incorrect status flagged), the information will need to be corrected on the ETI History screen for the affected employee. This can only be done by using the ETI Take-on utility.
    • Click here for more information using Sage Classic, Sage Premier or Sage 200c VIP
    • Click here for more information using Sage Business Cloud Payroll Professional