How do I do an ETI Take-on on my payroll?

The 'ETI take-on' functionality allows you to create a file in Excel where you can then add, change or remove ETI values and then import them back into the system.

ETI values cannot be changed by accessing the history data as you would do with the payslip values on the History Screen. The current period’s ETI can only be changed by changing the setup and, if the Period Set and count is incorrect for the current period, that can be changed by accessing the system with VIPSD.

Should there be a reason for history ETI values to be changed due to incorrect setup or incorrect calculations, an ETI Take-on must be done.

  • From the Main Menu of a company, select Interfaces > Import Data > Utility Imports > ETI Take-on >Export
  • The following selections will need to be made:  
  • Choose the export year as required, e.g. 2020

  • Export Year: This is calendar year and not Tax year

                                   January 2019 – December 2019 = 2019

                                   January 2020 – December 2020 = 2020

  • Destination for Export file: This will default to either your system folder (the system you are working) or an alternative predefined export location under the Company Miscellaneous screen tab 5. Take note of where the file is going to be stored
  • Export file: This is the name you need to give the file
  • Range of Employees: You may leave this on all employees or select from the drop down list
  • Export Employees: You may leave this on all employees or select from the drop down list
  • Export the data after making the selections

An onscreen message will confirm how many records have been exported. Select Ok.

Another onscreen message will ask if you want to save this file to Excel. Select Yes.

It should then open Excel and then your Windows Browser as you need to browse to the folder that was indicated on the Destination folder (as per the selections above).

  • Select to open the folder
  • Search for the file (this would be the file name you gave it when doing the export initially)
  • It will then populate the ETI data for the selected employees in Excel

Each column contains information applicable to ETI. Some fields are mandatory and have specific data layout requirements. To ensure you capture information in the correct format, go to Interfaces > Import Data > Utility Imports > ETI Take-on > Import. Click on the Guidelines button at the bottom right-hand side of the screen which explains the requirements for each column.

  • Once you have made the required changes, delete the following 8 columns:


  • Save your file in the system folder (system you are working in), File > Save As > Give the file a unique name and make sure the file is saved as a file type CSV (comma delimited)
  • Make a backup of this company before importing the file
  • From the Main Menu, select Interfaces > Import Data > Utility Imports > ETI Take-on > Import
  • A message will prompt you to make a backup, click Ok
  • Double check the location and make sure it points to where you saved the import file. If not browse and select the correct folder
  • Enter the file name you gave it: example 2019.csv
  • Click on Import
  • An onscreen message will confirm if the import was successful and how many records were updated

  • If there are any issues with the data a validation report will print. Correct and retry.

NOTE: If you require detailed assistance with the process, please click to book a consultation.


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