Prerequisites of Sage Pastel Payroll

If you have any issues the installation hanging, you get error that the wizard was interrupted or if some of the components and files for Sage Pastel Payroll are not blocked during the installation, you need to check that all the Pre-Requisites have been adhered to:

Log in as Administrator for Windows

Please ensure that you are logged in as Administrator for Windows before installing and that you have set the installation to be installed on all user profiles.

The way to check whether you are logged into Windows as a user with administrative rights differs for each version of Windows:

Windows 7 and Vista

  • Open menu Start…Control Panel
  • Open User Accounts
  • Click Manage another account

Windows 8 and Windows 10

  • Right-click in the bottom left corner of your screen, and then click Control Panel.
  • Open User Accounts
  • Click Manage another account

There will be all user accounts listed on the page. Each account has assigned some status (Administrator, Standard user, etc.). Before installing or reinstalling, or prior to proceeding with any action that requires administrative access, please make sure that you are logged into Windows under an account with the status Administrator.

Please note that you need to contact your IT Technician or Network Administrator if you are not sure how to do so.

Turn Off User Account Control

Before installing Sage Pastel Accounting we recommend that you turn off User Account Control, disable anti-virus and disable firewall. Please note that some of the features for Sage Pastel Accounting do not function properly if the User Account Control is on. Refer to Article How do I turn off User Account Control, if needed.

Disabling Anti-Virus and Disabling Firewall

Please note that you need to contact your IT Technician or Network Administrator before disabling anti-virus and disabling firewall. You can enable anti-virus software and firewall after the installation.

If you do not want to disable firewall, you can try adding the ports for Pervasive. Refer to Article How to add the Pervasive database and ports to the Windows firewall, if needed.

Windows Updates

Please ensure that your machines is using the latest Windows Updates. When the screen opens up it should show that Windows is up to date as show on example below from Windows 7. Please note that if you are using a different operating system the literal might be different.

To check this on Windows Vista go to Start…Control Panel, and type in “windows update” into the search box. You’ll see a link for Windows Update. Click on the link.

To check this on Windows 7 go to Start…Control Panel, and type in “windows update” into the search box. You’ll see a link for Windows Update. Click on the link

To check this on Windows 8, 81 or 10 go to Start screen by clicking on Start button, search for “windows update”, and you should see an option for Windows Update settings. If you do not see the option, you will need to change to search through your Settings first.

If you are in Windows 10, you need to search the Start Menu instead, but it’s the same procedure.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Please ensure that you are using Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or higher. You can check this under Control Panel on Programs and Features. This will show as below.The Sage Pastel Accounting installation will check and detect if Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or higher is not installed. If this is not installed, the Sage Pastel Accounting installation will install this. If you get any error regarding installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 please contact your IT Technician to assist with installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or higher.

Sage Pastel Payroll Downloaded Installation Files

If you have downloaded Sage Pastel Payroll installation files, please ensure that the file downloaded is the correct size. To check what the file size for the installation you downloaded is please contact our Sage Pastel Payroll Support Team.

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