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How to export and convert my Salary Payments ACB file for Investec Bank BTB V1 layout from my payroll?

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This article will provide you with the steps to export and covert the ACB data in the correct format for the Investec Bank BTB V1 layout from Sage VIP Classic and Sage VIP Premier.


Investec Bank BTB V1 ACB is not a standard ACB interface on the payroll system.

This ACB layout requires you to generate a net salary report from your payroll (Reports and Maintenance menu), and then run an Excel conversion to align the file with the Investec Bank import layout.

The article will guide you to run the export file from your payroll for net salaries, and convert the files in the layout to import in your banking software.


 NOTE: Before you create the Salary Payment file, ensue to complete the following: 

Main / Normal PayslipsSeparate Payslips
  • A General Recalculation must be done
  • Payslip must be printed to PDF or printer
  • A Separate Payslip General Recalculation must be done
  • Separate payslip run must be frozen / printed to PDF or printer

Export payroll file


Convert payroll file to Investec format

 TIP: Save the 'Investec Bank File Generator' Excel file to save the input parameters.