Investec Bank BTB V1 ACB is not a standard ACB interface on the payroll system.
This ACB layout requires you to generate a net salary report from your payroll (Reports and Maintenance menu), and then run an Excel conversion to align the file with the Investec Bank import layout.
The article will guide you to run the export file from your payroll for net salaries, and convert the files in the layout to import in your banking software.
Main / Normal Payslips | Separate Payslips |
Export payroll file
- From the Main Menu, navigate to Reports > Report and Maintenance
- Locate and run the INV IBOL report (Real Number 401)
Step 2: Complete the file export selections for NetPayBank Reports
- Select Print to ASCII
- Enter a suitable name for you file (default name INV_IBOL_NETT.xls)
CAUTION: Do not change the file extension name, keep the file in .xls format
- Select the folder to save the file
TIP: We do not recommend to save the file in your payroll application folder
- Select <Yes> to continue
Step 3: Select the payslip option to export
- Open the Investec Bank File Generator (Sage VIP) v2.1.xlsm file in Excel
- Click on Generation Wizard in the Export in the Sage VIP menu option
NOTE: The Generation Wizard is located on the menu ribbon
- Click here on how to check the Real numbers of the existing reports
- This step will ensure that you do not overwrite existing reports
- If the Report Real Number 401 already exist in your payroll, please contact Sage Customer Support for assistance.
CAUTION: If a report already exists with the same Report Real Number, the report will be overwritten when the ACB report is imported
- Select Salary Payments
- Click on <Next> to continue
Step 6: Locate the Input file generated from the payroll
- Enter the Company Bank Account number
- Enter the Client Reference (Default = Salaries)
- Enter the Beneficiary Reference (Default = Salary)
- Select the Payment Date
- Click <Next> to continue
Browse to the location where the bank file must be saved
NOTE: We do not recommend to save the file in you application folder
Click <Next> to continue
- Once the file generation process is completed, the message "Done!" will display
- The location where the data was exported to will display onscreen
TIP: Save the 'Investec Bank File Generator' Excel file to save the input parameters.