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How to do your Mid-Year Submission?

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Once you have cleared your Employee and Company validations, you can generate the electronic certificates in Sage Business Cloud Payroll if the submission period has opened.


TIP: Watch our video here.

NOTE: To export your Mid-Year Submission file, the submission period needs to be open.  You can check the submission deadlines on the SARS website.

To generate your file on your Sage Business Cloud Payroll (SBCP) home screen:

  1. Click Tax Certificates (If you don't see Tax Certificates on the menu, click More menu and then select Tax Certificates).
  2. The company details pre-populate based on the Company Details entered on your Company Details screen 
  3. Under the submission section:
    1. Click the drop-down of Select the tax year and select 2025
    2. Click the drop-down of Select the submission period and select Mid-Year
    3. Click the drop-down of Select a type of submission and select Live


  4. If all of your validations are completed, you will have a Create Submission button on the top left of your screen:
  5. The name of the file will be Mid_2025.txt. Unless otherwise specified, this file is automatically be saved to your Downloads Folder.

    CAUTION: Mid_2025 is in the correct format to be imported into E@syfile.  Do not alter the file to any different format.

  6. The system will now generate reports relating to your year-end.  We suggest that you download or print these reports for record purposes.  The reports that are generated: are Reconciliation Report, EMP501, and Error Report.

NOTE: We do not support the import into SARS eFiling.  We only support the import of the file to SARS e@syfile. Nothing else regarding the e@syfile software for more assistance on e@syfile we ask that you contact SARS.