How do I print the SP (Separate Payslip) Validation report for differences on the separate payslips?
It is advisable to print the Separate Payslip Validation Report before you print any of the Separate Payslips, as this report will indicate all possible errors.
This report has been designed to indicate Separate Payslips that may give problems unless they are corrected. This report shows:
The amounts on the Difference Payslip,
Negative Nett Salaries on any of the Separate Payslips,
All Payslips that were not frozen,
Terminations with a termination date,
Early Pay/Forced Pay Flags, and
On Leave Pay, Leave Pay activated or Leave Pay pending.
This report may be printed for a selected Separate Payslip or for all the Separate Payslips. Numerous selection may be made when printing this report.
From the Main Menu
Click on Reports
Select Reports and Maintenance
Double Click on Report - SP Validate (Real Number 722)
Select Send Report to (PDF File, Printer DOS Print,ASCII File, View to Screen)
PDF File: Generate a report to an electronic file
Printer DOS Print: The report will be printed to the selected printer. The default printer will always be highlighted.
ASCII File: A default file name will be displayed. You may alter the default File name, if required. This ASCII File can then be imported into other applications, e.g. Microsoft Excel, where it can be changed.
Note: The file name consists of RPRTnnn.xx, where nnn = the Real Number of the Report, and xx = program generated, so that the file name is unique. This name can be changed, if required.
Unless you specify a path name with the file name, e.g. W:\Validation.ASC, the ASCII File will be written to the VIP Directory in which you are working, e.g. C:\Premier, or C:\Classic.
View to Screen: Select to print the report to screen
Select Yes on the Above selections are correct
Type of Payslip query: Tick the Difference Amounts
Click on Continue
Select Yes on the onscreen message: Are the above selections correct ?
A report will now display indicating the employees who have difference amounts on their seperate payslips.
Click here on the process for possible reasons for differences on the separate payslips.
Watch a short video on the process to print the SP Validation report