Separate Payslips: Basic setup checklist

You want to issue more than one payslip in a pay period.

e.g. In December the company wants to pay leave pay and bonuses on separate payslips within one week so that employees can see the tax on their bonus separately.


Separate Payslips allow for more than one payslip, within a specific pay period.  Users may print up to seven Separate Payslips per pay period.  This means that the information on the Main Payslip Screen can be divided into a number of different (separate) payslips. 

For example, if you pay Bonuses in December, the December payslip can be divided into two Separate Payslips.  One payslip can reflect the Bonus earning and the amount of Tax and UIF calculated on the Bonus, the other payslip can reflect the remaining earnings and deductions.  The amounts on the Separate Payslips should always add up to the amounts on the Main Payslip Screen.

NOTE: The amounts on the Separate Payslips should always add up to the amounts on the Main Payslip Screen.


Steps     Procedure


Step 1   Planning is important to ensure payslip accuracy

How many Separate Payslips are required in this period?

Which earnings and deductions should be included on each of the Separate Payslips?

On which date will you print and pay each Separate Payslip?


Step 2   Activate the Separate Payslip feature on the Company Miscellaneous Screen.

From the Main Menu > Company > Company Miscelleneaous Screen

Select the Company Miscellaneous 2 tab

Tick the box for Does this Comany use Seperate Payslips? to activate the feature


Step 3   Complete the Setup Screen for Separate Payslips:

General tab - create the payslips in order of payment.

Link Earnings – link the relevant earnings to the relevant payslip.

Link Deductions - link the relevant deductions to the relevant payslip.

Statutory earnings and deductions will be greyed out and linked to each of the separate payslips.


The following steps must be repeated for each Separate Payslip:


Step 4   Do input on the Main Payslip only.

The system will allocate the earnings, deductions and company contributions to each separate payslip based on the setup linking.

CAUTION: No input must be done on the Seperate Payslip, as this will result in payslip differences


Step 5   Print the Separate Payslip Validation report to check for possible discrepancies. Make corrections where required.


Step 6   Print the Separate Payslips to paper or PDF, to freeze the payslips (preventing any further entries on that payslip).

  • When you print a payslip, all the information is "frozen" - ay changes or additions will be allocated to the next avaialble payslip with the same availble lines. 


Step 7   Print other Separate Payslip Reports (Coinage, Remuneration List, etc.).


Step 8   Complete an ACB Export based on each separate payslip.


TIP: It is recommend that a Sage accredited Business Partner assist you with the setup and training to use the feature successfully.

Steps to duplicate
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