This article will provide you with guidance on how to generate the OID Report from your payroll from Release 6.2a on Sage Business Cloud Payroll Professional
The amended Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) of 2022, was promulgated on 17 April 2023. The Department of Employment and Labour have published the
“ROE explanatory memorandum” for which they guided how to report earnings calculated to complete the ROE form. These amendments directly affect the payroll.
NOTE: The OID/WCA report in the payroll is an ANNUAL report, and should only be printed in the last period of the tax year. Click here for more details to change the OID limit in your company if required.
Ensure the OID Earnings threshold is correct for the current year.
As from Release 5.7a, the OID Earnings threshold must be updated manually per South African payroll company:
How to run the OID Report from your payroll:
- From the Main menu
- Select Reports
- Select Report and Maintenance
- Select OID Report (Real Number 502)
- Send Report To [PDF File,ASCII File, View on Screen, Exit]
- Click Continue
CAUTION: We do not recommend generating the report for multiple companies with different pay cycles and or company structures. The report should be run per individual company and the values can be combined to complete your W.As.8 submission online.
OID Report SelectionsSelection Screens for the OID/WCA report
- The payroll system provides Selection Screens when the report is printed, so that the user can select which Earnings, Company Contributions, Calculation Scree(XS), Own and Perks Tax Screen items must be included in the report.
- You may tick and untick items on the Selection Screens. The first page of the report prints the settings that were in use when the report was printed.
The first screen that is displayed when the OID Report is selected explains which items should be included.
Earnings DefinItion:
The latest explanatory note (2022 explanatory note) amended the definition of “Earnings”. The definition is almost the same as the previous definition with the only change being that ex-gratia
payments will no longer be excluded from earnings. Some of the inclusions and exclusions were also reworded.
This definition will be applied until either a new ROE explanatory note is issued or the COID Act of 2022 is made effective.
The Notice on the Initial Print-time Selection Screen has been amended accordingly:

Maximum Earnings
The return of earnings (ROE) explanatory note for the 2022 reporting season (Government Gazette No. 48337) has provided guidance on how the annual maximum earnings should be applied:
- The limit is an annual limit and should not be pro-rated as a monthly figure.
- The annual limit must be applied to earnings irrespective of whether the employee worked for less than 12 months.
This means the maximum earnings should be the lessor of actual earnings and the annual limit.
The Fund did not clarify how the monthly earnings must be reported for the purpose of the manual ROE submission, but we applied the following calculation method:
- If the employee’s/director’s earnings are greater than the maximum annual limit, the monthly earnings should be the maximum annual limit divided by period of service.
- If the employee’s/director’s earnings are less or equal to maximum annual limit, the monthly earnings should be the actual monthly earnings.
Inclusion and exclusion lists have been amended on the Print-time Selection Screens for Earnings, Company Contributions, Calc (XS) Screen ,and Own Screen:

- Continue with or change the current settings
- Restore Defaults to reset to Sage's default settings
- Close to Exit
NOTE: Users should not copy the selections according to the print screens as it is only for display purposes. Each company’s situation will vary on what is included and what is not, depending on the regularity of the payments and the company’s application of the legislation.
On the right-hand side of the report, guidelines are provided on which items should be included and which should not, that users can refer to.
Print Summary or Detail & Ranges
You will be prompted to select to print either a detail or a summary report:

- Select Yes
- Click Finish
The Excel Report renders when you print the Summary Report.
The Return of Earnings is now called the CF-2A.
The report has been amended to align with the new format.
- The Detail Report records the information per month for each employee:

If you selected “Average Number of Employees” it will be indicated by an asterisk as follows:

TIP: We recommend printing both Details and Summary reports to keep the details for possible audits. The first page of the OID Report shows which items were included when the report was printed. It is important to remember that this page must be filed with the report
The OID ReportThe OID Report
How to complete the W.As.8 form
When printing the OID report and selecting Summary Report, Microsoft Excel will open the OID_ROE1Template. The data will automatically merge with the Excel template.
Complete the outstanding information and complete information not populated.
The Excel workbook is made up of two sheets; Part 1 and Part 2.
TIP: If your report data did not merge with the W.As.8 Excel template, click here for steps to review and resolve.
Part 1 of the CF-2A Form
Many of the fields of Part 1 will need to be completed manually by the Employer, but some fields will automatically be populated from the data on the VIP system:
- Company Name – This is the Report Name on the Basic Company Information Screen
- Company Registration Number – this is the Registration Number on the Basic Company Information Screen
- Unemployment Insurance No. – this is the UIF Registration Number on the Basic Company Information Screen
- Postal address – this is the Reporting Address on the Basic Company Information Screen

NOTE: Any of the information populated can be overwritten if needed
Part 2 of the CF-2A sheet
Part 2 is split between Actual Earnings and Provisional Earnings. Both these sections are divided between Directors and Employees, with a total number of Employees per month.
The Employer will need to manually complete the Provisional Earning Section, but the Actual Earnings will automatically be populated from the data on the payroll system.

Final Steps:
- Print page 1 and Page 2 of the Excel document to complete on the OID portal.
- Save the Excel document in your Tax year-end folder for safekeeping and inquiries.
NOTE: If you make provision for OID by using Methods of Calculation, you must revise and adjust the methods according to the new thresholds published.
CAUTION: Should you decide to use this report every month, the use of the report is done at your own risk, as this report should only be generated at the end of your assessment year.