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Validate Additional Information

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Validate Additional Information on Sage 300 People


Ensure the following additional information is correct: 
1. Payroll Definitions:
On the Navigation Pane:

Expand   Company Management

Double click on  Payroll Definitions

Select applicable Earning, Deduction, Company Contribution, Fringe Benefit or Provision


 Confirm that the following definition information is correct:
• Definition Type

• Tax Type

• Tax Code

NOTE: When changes are made to definitions it will have an affect on history tax certificates.


2. Medical Aid Information:
On the Navigation Pane: Expand   Company Management Double click on  Payroll Definitions Select applicable Deduction, Company Contribution, Fringe Benefit



Ensure that all medical aid contributions and expenses are allocated to the correct codes.

IRP5 Description
4474 Employer’s Medical Aid Contributions
4005 Medical Aid Contributions
4024 Medical Services Costs Deemed Paid for Immediate Family
3813 Cost related to Medical Services paid by Company
3810 Medical Aid Contributions paid on behalf of the employee fringe benefit
4493 Employer’s Medical Aid Contributions i.r.o. Retired Employees
4116 Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credits taken into account for PAYE purposes
4120 Additional Medical ExpensesTax Credits for employees 65 and older



Click here for instructions on how to print the history medical aid report.