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How do I complete my Interim and Annual EMP501 Reconciliation Submission using the RSA SARS Submission Utility?

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This article will guide on the process to complete your Interim and Annual EMP501 Reconciliation Submission using the RSA SARS Submission Utility on Sage VIP Classic and Sage VIP Premier.


The purpose of this Utility is to assist you with the successful completion of the SARS Submission Process for Interim and Annual EMP501 Reconciliation.


How to access the RSA SARS Submission Utility:

  • Form the Main Menu, select Utilities > RSA Submission > SARS Submission Process

Access Control to RSA Submissions is determined by the Access Control set for the Reports that are accessed from this Utility

NOTE: You would typically use this Utility at the end of August for the Interim/Periodic Reconciliation and at the end of February for the Final Tax-year End Reconciliation.

SARS Submission Folder

  • As soon as you select the SARS Submission Process or the OID Report, a SARS Submission Folder will be created in your payroll system directory.
  • All the documentation, files and backups that are generated during the RSA Submission procedures, will automatically be saved here.
  • At the end of the process, you will receive a path confirmation and details regarding everything you need to save for 5 years. You can then either leave it there or copy it to another data storage device.

NOTE: When the Company rolls into the beginning of the new Tax Year, all the files in this folder will be deleted.

SARS Submission Process

  • The purpose of this screen is for the user to verify the Period End Date information.
  • If you are satisfied with the information, click on <Continue> to proceed to the Process Flow Screen.
  • Alternatively, if your Period End Date information is incorrect, click on <Close> and contact Support for assistance.
  • The selection you make on this screen is logged to the Audit Logger together with the Period End information

Process Flow Screen

The Process Flow Screen will guide you step by step through your Periodic Reconciliation (in your Pay Period ending August) and Tax-year End Submission (in your Pay Period ending February)

NOTE: Each step on the Preparation Tab must be completed, before you will be allowed to proceed with the steps on the Submission Tab. The Help and, where applicable, Guide buttons will provide you with more information.

  • Read the messages at the top of the screen carefully.
  • Click on the Help for the Step you are on and read the detailed information.
  • Click on the Guide Button, where applicable, for the Step you are on.
  • This may take you to a link e.g. to our Website for FAQs or to documents in folders in the  payroll Directory.
  • Some Guidelines are only available once you have initiated the step.
  • Click on the applicable Step Button to initiate the options, process or report for that specific Step.
  • The Status Button starts off as ‘Incomplete’.
  • Once you have completed a Step, you must click the Status Button so that it changes to ‘Complete’.
  • This way you can keep track of what step you are on. When you change the Status of this button, it is recorded on the Audit Logger File.
  • The Print Submission Checklist will take you to a Tax Year End Checklist.
  • This can be used as an additional tool to ensure you complete all the necessary steps.
  • Support Videos will take you to a document with links to videos from Support which may assist you with the SARS Submission Process.
  • The SARS Submission Reports Folder will take you directly to the folder the system created in your payroll directory when you accessed this Utility for the first time.
  • All the files, reports and any backups created from this Utility, will be stored in this folder: Drive:\VIPDirectory\SARSSubmission.
  • Files and Reports are usually saved to this folder in a format similar to this:


{xxx = the Company Number; zzz = logged on User Number; yyyymmddhhmmss = Date and Time Stamp}

NOTE: If you are performing this process in multiple Companies, you are required to perform Step 1 to 4 for each Company before commencing with Step 5.