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How do I generate the Live Run for the SARS Submission?

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


This article will show the process of how to generate the Live Run for the SARS Submission on Sage VIP Classic and Sage VIP Premier


These are the steps to create the Live Run for either Tax Year End or the Interim Reconciliation SARS Submission. There are steps that are only applicable for Tax years. Please ignore these steps for the Interim Reconciliation SARS Submission



Step 1: Access the IRP5/IT3a Report which is available on the RSA Submission Process

  • Main Menu
  • Utilities
  • RSA Submissions
  • RSA Submission Process by selecting Step 8 Perform Live Run

The report is also available on the Report menu

  • Main Menu
  • Reports
  • Reports and Maintenance
  • Highlight the IRP5/IT3 report (Real Number 507) and click on Print

Step 2Please Select the Action Required:

  • Tax Year End is usually selected for February Tax Year End Submission or for the Termination of a Company (March - February)
  • Periodic Reconciliation Run is usually selected for the August Periodic Submission (March-August)

Step 3: Select the Type of Run:

  • Select Live Run
  • Click here on the steps to do a Test Run
  • A message will display informing you that you have selected to do a Live Run. Final IRP5 Certificates will be printed and Tax Certificate numbers will be allocated.
  • Click on Yes.

If you receive a Warning message: "Company ... will not export, due to the fact that a Tax Year End has already been done". Click here for more information

NOTE: It is advisable to do a TEST run(s) until all errors have been resolved before doing a live run.

Step 4: Indicate whether only the Current Company or Multiple Companies should be included.

NOTE: If Multiple Companies are selected, only the companies with the same PAYE number will be displayed for the selection.

  •  If Multiple Companies are selected, the Multiple Company selection screens can be used to include several companies in the IRP5 submission file.
  • Click on the company and enter the password for the company to be included. The Selected column will display Yes for each selected company.
  • Click on Close once the selection process has been completed.

Step 5: Verify the Employer Record Details for the IRP5/IT3a Run. Click on Continue

NOTE: If you receive the message that there is Outstanding Mandatory Information, refer to the PDF printouts for validation errors. The last page of the validation report contains information, on how to resolve validation errors. Click here to visit the Sage Knowledgebase where solutions are provided for common IRP5/IT3a Validation errors

Step 6: Select the reports to be printed.

  • The IRP5/IT3 Recon Report will print a list of all the employees with their YTD amounts per IRP5 code.
  • The IRP5/IT3 Summary Report will print the totals per IRP5 code

Step 7: The options for the Print Tax Certificates are (Only applicable at Tax Year End):

NOTE: Print Tax certificates will be greyed out during a Live Run for the Periodic Submission, as Tax Certificates are not issued to the employees.

  • Blank Paper
  • Secure Paper (available from VIP)
  • No printing (only when doing a TEST run)
  • Print IRP5 with Watermark – only to PDF
  • Select Yes or No, to Print IRP5 with Watermark - only to PDF

Step 8: A message will display to select to print Terminated Employees IRP5s first. Select Yes or No (Only applicable for Tax Year End)

Step 9: Select to print on IRP5 (Department, Category, Job Grade, Pay Point)  (Only applicable for Tax Year End)

Step 10: Indicate if the Interim Certificates issued from VIP during the tax year should not be reprinted at Tax Year End  (Only applicable for Tax Year End)

  • Click Continue

Step 11: Select the location for the File Destination where the IRP5 submission file should be written to.

  • The default location will be the current VIP directory. (You cannot change the location when using the SARS Submission Process)

Step 12: You have the following selections:  (Only applicable for Tax Year End)

  • Employee Self Services (generate files to import into ESS) 
  • IRP5s Attached to Employee Self Services must not print on paper
  • Standard Infoslips / Consolidated Infoslips Recipients
  • IRP5s attached to Infoslips must not print to paper

Step 13: The IRP5 submission file’s name will default to IRP5.xx (xx = current tax year, e.g. IRP5.22 will be the file for the tax year ending 28 February 2022).

  • This name must be changed if multiple submissions will be done from the same system.
  • For example, two companies are loaded on the system with different PAYE numbers. A submission file can only be created for one PAYE number.
  • Therefore, the first company’s IRP5 file can be named Co_01_IRP5.22, and the second company file name, Co_02_IRP5.22.
  • These files can then be imported separately into SARS’ e@syFile system. If the name is not changed, the first company’s file will be overwritten with the second file.
  • Do not use any spaces or special characters in the file name.
  • Click Continue

Step 14: The Electronic Tax Certificate File now exists in your Specified Directory. Click Continue

  • If you selected Employee Self Services and Infoslips, the export files will also be created in the selected folder.
  • The final tax certificates, as well as Recon and Summary Reports (if selected) will also generate.
  • If you selected to add passwords to the PDF documents, please ensure to keep track of them for future use.


NOTE: This file is created each time you do an IRP5 Run.