Sage Classic, Sage Premier, Sage 200c VIP and Sage Business Cloud Payroll Professional: This article provide information and guidance regarding the dates setup in a company
Dates are extremely important in the system and influence various calculations. Incorrect setup of company dates can result in incorrect calculations and reporting.
The details of company dates reflect on the Initial Entry screen (when you log into your company), and Period Info (BB) screen on the Basic Company Information screen.
The company dates also appear when you do a Start New Period, thus it is always important to review your company dates, when you start a new processing period or month.
- Processing week within month on the Initial Entry Screen
- Must be the same as Current Week Number on the Period Info (BB) screen, on the Basic Company Information screen
- Accumulation of the MTD totals (12month report, EMP201, etc.) - this indicates when a new calendar month will start and to clear the MTD values.
- Methods that uses “When to effective” and "WIM" (Weeks in month)
- Exports done in the last week of the (e.g. General Ledger, Council export file)
- Final tax calculation at Tax Year-end
- Processing period within Tax Year on the Initial Entry Screen
- Must be same as Current Processing Period on the BB Screen
- Compared with Bonus Period on the Employee Information (IS) screen in non-monthly companies
- Normal Batches & Job Costing Batches
- BCEA accumulations (RSA companies, WEK file)
- Fields & Files clearing in non-monthly companies
- Clearing of Special Totals in non-monthly companies
- Tax year start date on the Initial Entry screen
- Must be the same as the Tax Year Start Date on the BB Screen
- Used to determine the correct tax factor for ax calculations (in conjunction with the Tax Year End Date)
- Employee’s IRP5 Start Date default to this date if Date Engaged < Company Start Date
- Tax Year End date on the Initial Entry Screen
- Must be the same as Tax Year-end Date on the Period Info (BB) screen
- Used to determine the correct tax factor for tax calculations (in conjunction with the Tax Year Start Date)
- Must be the same as the last period end date in the Tax Year
- Current Calendar Month on the Period info (BB) screen
- Used when accumulating figures for 12month report and History screen
- Compared to the Bonus Period on the IS Screen in a monthly company
- Fields and Files Clearing in a monthly company
- Final Tax Calculation at Tax Year End (in conjunction with Number of Weeks in Month and Processing Period)