Sage Pastel Payroll: How do I run an exception report before Tax Year End or Bi-annual submissions?
Clearing the Exception Report
NOTE: A lengthy webinar was held that showed how to clear some of these exceptions and can be found here.
- Click View, Statutory reports, IRP5/IT3(a) Exception Report
- Select all the employees and select OK
- Select the Print To option, e.g, Screen
- Select the Print Status as Both
- Select OK
If you receive one of the following Exceptions on your employees, select on the exception to view the solution:
- Employee Tax Number Missing
- Tax Total 3615 has been replaced with 3601
- Tax Total 3833/3883 must have a value equal to 4584
- 3696 + 3699 not equal to income sources
- Tax Total 4474 not equal to 3810
- Negative Tax total 3697
- Negative Tax Total 3698
- Negative Tax Total 7008
- Tax Total 4120 has a value but 4005 do not have a values
- Tax Total 4472 has a value but 3817 and 4001 do not have a value
- Tax Total 4473 has a value but 3825 and 4003 do not have a value
- Tax total 4116 has been processed, but no code 4005 was processed
- Tax Total 3703 may not be reflected along with 3702 or 3701
- Tax Total 4142 has a value, but SDL exempt is checked
- IT3 a Reason Code Missing
For any additional or assistance on clearing exceptions, please go to our knowledgebase.
TIP: Remember our webinar that showed how to clear some exceptions can be watched here: