As of 1 March 2011, every employed person in South Africa must be registered as a Tax Payer regardless if they pay PAYE or not, or if they are South African on Foreign. If an employee already had a tax reference number the employer can obtain the tax number from the employee. Alternatively, the employer must register the employee on both the E@syfile software and eFiling website or at any SARS office.
To capture an employee’s tax reference number:
- Click Edit, Employee Master files. Once on the employee Master file screen, the search icon can be used to locate the desired employee's Master file.
- On the employee's Master file, select the Tax tab.
- The employee's tax reference number must be captured into the Tax Number field:
- Click the Saved icon at the top of the Master file to complete the process.
NOTE: This exception is only a warning and Pastel Payroll will allow you to do your Year-end process without having added your employee’s tax reference numbers. It will at no point stop you from processing your Year End, or from generating your IPR5/IT3a Export File. You will also be able to import into the E@syfile software without the Tax Reference number and continue your submission. However, the employer could be penalized by SARS if a submission was completed where tax reference numbers were missing. For any queries contact SARS at 0800 00 7277.