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Utilities - Bulk Employee Update - Release Tax Certificate to WebSS

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Release Tax Certificate to Web SS on Sage 300 people


After a tax submission has been done, a Bulk release of Tax Certificates can be done to Web Self Service.

Please note that once released this will appear on Employee’s Web Self Service immediately; it is advisable to release only once submitted on E@syfile and all is in order.


On the Navigation pane:

Expand                 Utilities

Expand                Bulk Employee Update

Double-click on  Release Tax Certificate to ESS

Select the Employees

Before you can start a bulk process, you must select the employees for which the bulk update must be applied. Use the Basic Filter to select the required employees.


Basic Filters


Company Rule

Select the Company Rule to which the employees are linked. This is a mandatory field. Only one Company Rule can be selected at a time.

Remuneration Structure

This field allows you to apply the filter for employees linked to a specific Remuneration Structure. More than one Remuneration Structure may be selected.

Pay Run Definition

This field allows you to apply the filter for employees linked to a specific Pay Run. More than one Pay Run may be selected.

Job Titles

This field allows you to apply the filter for employees linked to a specific Job Title. More than one Job Title may be selected.

Job Grade

This field allows you to apply the filter for employees linked to a specific Job Grade. More than one Job Grade may be selected.


This option allows you to apply the filter for employees linked to a specific Hierarchy. Multiple hierarchies may be selected.

Entity Code

This option allows you to enter the required Entity Code(s) of employees to be updated. More than one Entity Code can be entered by separating the Codes with a comma (‘,’).

Quick Employee Code Add

This option allows you to add employees that were not included in the filter criteria. Enter the employee code(s) separated with a comma (‘,’) and click on the Add button Image. You may also copy and paste a string from another source. The employee(s) will be added to the employee list, therefore you do not have to click on the Refresh and Search button Image to add the employee(s) to the list.


If the employees that must be updated are not specific to the selections the Basic Filter provides, you can load the list of employees from an MS Excel spreadsheet. You will need to select the Company Rule of the employees that must be updated first. Click on the Load button to import the MS Excel spreadsheet.


The following screen will be displayed: 

Click OK. 

The employees will now be listed.


































Once you have applied the filter and selected the required employees, click on the Update button


The following message will be displayed:


Click on Yes.

The following screen will be displayed:



If you need to withdraw Tax Certificates from ESS; un-tick the Release to ESS tick box and click on Update Employees.