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Utilities - Batches - Bulk Tax Adjustment Payslips

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Bulk Tax Adjustment Payslips on Sage 300 People


To capture adjustments for previous Tax Years, it is necessary to process adjustments in the final pay period of the specific Tax Year. For this purpose, a bulk Tax Adjustment payslip can be processed for multiple employees, using a User Defined Batch


On the Navigation pane

Expand               Utilities

Expand               Batches

Double Click     User Defined Batches

Select                New

Click on             Next

Enter Applicable Information







Select the applicable batch template that should be used to create the batch instance.


Short and Long Description

Table text Enter a description for the batch. The length of the short description may be up to a maximum of 35 characters, and the long description up to 100 characters.

Batch Instance Type

Select the required batch type. The options are:

  •      Import: this option allows you to import any MS Excel spreadsheet using the selected batch template. The columns in the spreadsheet do not need to be in the same format as the columns in the batch template, as it can be mapped to the columns in the batch template upon import.
  •      Export: this option allows you to export a batch into an MS Excel spreadsheet format. The export file contains the employee’s current values. The export file can be used as a template to complete the information in the correct format.
  •      Capture: this option allows you to capture the payroll information in a batch instead of entering information manually on the employees’ Payslip Detail Screens.


Batch Filters



Company Rule

Select the company rule(s) for which information must be updated through the batch. The employees will be filtered according to the company rule(s) selected. If the employees are not linked to the selected company rule(s) they will not be updated.


Payslip Type

Select the applicable payslip type (pay run) that must be updated:

  •      Normal: this option will update all normal pay runs that were not flagged as a Leave Pay type pay run.
  •      Leave Pay: this option will update the pay runs that were flagged as a Leave Pay Type pay run.
  •      Tax Close: this option will update a closed tax record payslip.
  •      Tax Adjustment: select this option when the batch must update fields for a previous tax year, for example, when you want to process RFI adjustments. A tax adjustment payslip will be created where the pay period is in the last pay period of the selected tax year

Pay Run Definition Option

Select the pay run for which values will be entered, such as the Main or Bonus Run:

  •      Main Pay Run: select this option when the Main pay run must be updated. When you select this option, you do not have to select the specific pay run.
  •      First Open Pay Run: when you select this option, the first open pay run found on the employee’s record will be updated. The first open pay run is determined by the priority set on the Company Rule Detail Screen. When you select this option, you do not have to select a specific pay run.
  •      Specific Pay Run: this option allows you to select a specific pay run that must be updated

Pay Run Definition

This field will become enabled when the Pay Run Definition Option is Specific Pay Run. Select the pay run that must be updated. When updating multiple companies and/or company rules the codes of the pay run definitions must be the same.



The following fields are editable on the adjustment payslips:

  • Amount columns for all payslip lines.
  • The Active flag and Total Beneficiaries field on the Medical Aid History screen.


Click Next then click Finish; Thereafter Save.

Once the User Defined Batch template has been created, the batch can be exported.

On the Navigation pane

Expand            Utilities

Expand            Batches

Double Click   Batch Instance Management

Click                Create New Batch

Click                Next






Select were the export file should be saved



Once all adjustments have been captured onto the batch, the batch can be imported.

On the Navigation pane

Expand               Utilities

Expand               Batches

Double Click      Batch Instance Management

Click                    Create New Batch


 Click to browse for and import the import file


Map the Field Name to the corresponding Import sheet field


Click on Verify Batch


Click Verify and Save



Click Process Batch



Check that all employees have been processed successfully


