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Audit Reports: How to print the Employees with negative YTD amounts report

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You require a report for audit purposes to ensure there are no negative YTD values on Sage Business Cloud Payroll Professional


This Audit Reports contain Financial and Employee Reconciliation Reports that present the same information as the Company Reconciliation Report (RN 501), available from the normal Reports Menu, but in a different format.  There are various Audit Reports available and these reports are presented in an HTML format.  The user can either view information on the screen (print preview) or select to print it out. These Reports would typically be part of the Audit Pack required by the Auditors.


The Audit Reports are found from the main screen of the company under Reports>Audit Reports. There are 16 audit reports.

To print the Employees with negative YTD amounts Report, select Reports>Audit Reports>Employees with negative YTD amounts.

When you do your start of period a similar report is generated to ensure you do not have employees with negative YTD earnings as this will impact your EMP501 submission process.


You can select to validate the values per Definition Line or per IRP5 code. For submission purposes it will be a good idea to ensure that no IRP5 codes have a negative YTD values as you might have multiple lines with the same IRP5 code and when added together you get a negative YTD value which will cause validation errors when running your IRP5 report for the EMP501 submissions.

If there are no negative YTD values, an onscreen message will indicate as such.

All IRP5 codes with negative YTD values will print on a report and then all Definition Lines with negative YTD value will print on a separate report. If you selected to print both options, close the print preview of the IRP5 codes report for the next report print preview to open up.


