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Company Management - Tax Monthly Total - Rebuild Tax Monthly Total

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


This guide will assist you to rebuild Tax Monthly Totals per PAYE number within the Sage 300 People system.


A rebuild must be done on the Tax Monthly Total Detail screen, every period before the EMP201 is created and printed, as well as when changes were made to values on payslips after Tax Monthly Totals were created.


To rebuild Tax Monthly Totals per PAYE Number from the Navigation pane

Expand             Company Management
Double-click    Tax Monthly Total
Click                  the relevant Tax Number, Calendar Year and Calendar Month to Rebuild
Click                  Detail                                                                                                               



 To Rebuild the specific month’s totals.

Click    Rebuild
Click    Recalc Adjustment                                                                        
Save    Changes



The Tax Monthly Totals have now been rebuilt and recalculated.
