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How to print the EMP501 Validation Report?

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You require assistance to print the EMP501 validation report to reconcile possible differences on Sage Business Cloud Payroll Professional


This report is a detailed report and a tool to assist when the values according to VIP do not balance with payments made to SARS. The report can be printed or it can be imported into Excel.


This report might be able to assist you if you encountered variances when completing the EMP501 Reconciliation Report. 

From the main screen of the company go to History>Reports>EMP501 Validation.


You can run this report for an employee or a range of employees by entering the employee codes.

You can select the periods to be included in the report. If you know the issue is in a specific mont you will typically only select that month's dates.

Once selections have been made, click on Continue

An onscreen message will display saying the report is being generated. If it does not automatically start the download, click on the 'Click here', and you will be allowed to browse and save the file.


You have a Saved Value and a Printed Payslip column. The Save Value column will indicate the value that was on the payslip and saved during the roll over process to a new period. The Printed Payslip column will show the value that was printed on the payslip. In the ideal world, these values should not differ, and if they do, it indicates that changes were made on the payroll after the payslips were printed.

 CAUTION: Do take note that if a backup was restored and changes were made, and as example, payslips were not printed again, this report will not provide accurate information.