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e@syFile Error: "Alternative Identification Number should have format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN when Alternate Identification Type is 1 - code 3066"

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


How to resolve the e@syFile Import error Alternative Identification Number should have format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN when Alternate Identification Type is 1 - code 3066


You are importing the IRP5 files for either the Annual or Interim SARS Submission into e@syFile and the import fails.


  • When the record is a PSP, the gender is changed to "Company or CC" or "Trust"
  • The ID number field will be changed to Company Number, which is the Company Registration number (CK number)
  • Ensure the number is completed in the format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN
  • Once corrected, export your IRP5 file again and import into e@syFile