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How do I uninstall and reinstall the Namibia .msi file?

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Sage Pastel Payroll: How do I uninstall and reinstall the Namibia .msi file?


 CAUTION: Please remember to close all Sage programs before completing the steps below.

Uninstalling your Country file:

  1. Navigate to your computers Control Panel.
  2. Select Programs and Features.
  3. Search for Pastel Payroll – Namibia.
  4. Right click on Pastel Payroll – Namibia and select Uninstall.

Windows will remove the installation and will give you a message once it has been removed.

Downloading and installing the country file:

  1. Go to the the Download Manager (download manager is always available in Pastel Payroll under Utilities, Weblinks, Download Latest Software version). 
  2. Click on the Countries tab,and select Download on the Namibia option:
  3. The file will download, or the system will ask you to specify a directory on where to save it too.  The download usually downloads to the Downloads folder.
  4. Double click on the Pastel Payroll - Namibia file to start the installation.
  5. Follow the prompts on the installation wizard to install the file.  When the installation wizard is finished, please click on finish.

 NOTE: In order to incorporate the changes in this Msi file, you will need to run a legislative release.