You are generating the IRP5 files for either the Annual or Interim SARS Submission and importing them into e@syFile.
This error message is also generally related to resubmissions. Source code 3190 represents an employee's ETI start date. This field became mandatory from September 2017. Each tax year's IRP5 file is created according to the relevant SARS BRS requirements for that tax year. When you update an old tax year system to the latest payroll release, if there were changes to the validation rules for the IRP5 file between the tax years and you load a newer payroll release, the updated validation rules will then be applied resulting in new source codes being created. This will require you to complete those fields if you are going to submit the old tax year on the latest payroll release
- If ETI Indicator (code 3026) is Y, then this field is mandatory - if you claim ETI, the ETI date engage must be completed
- If ETI indicator (code 3026) is N, then this field is optional - if you don't claim ETI, then you don't have to complete the ETI date engage
- If ETI indicator (code 3026) is not completed, then this field must not be completed - if you don't claim ETI you must complete the ETI date engage
On the payroll system, if you are doing a resubmission for a tax year prior to 2017 and you update the payroll system to the latest payroll release, this field will be created on the Employees Information (IS) Screen on the ETI tab. If you claim ETI in the company then you will need to complete the ETI date engage for each employee.
NOTE: Our support desk does not assist with any queries relating to resubmissions for previous tax years. Due to the complex nature of resubmissions a consultation must be booked. The guidelines provided here should assist you to resolve the error but if you are not comfortable in attempting these changes yourself, click here to book a consultation.
Reason why a consultation is required: Filing season closed for previous submission, and investigation must be done to ensure the certificate ranges to be submitted will not overwrite existing certificates. Multiple software upgrades and import file manipulation might be required - The payroll software is in line with specific year BRS layouts, and SARS software is not backwards compatible with older IRP5 files. We will need to ensure your software is in line with the submission requirements.
Some issues can only be resolved by contacting and liaising with SARS