This indicates one or more of the files in the payroll application directory, including subfolders is currently in use or accessed, which includes company data, documents or application files.
NOTE: A Full System Backup will include all the files and subfolder in the application folder. If the backup failed, it indicates one or more of the files in the application folder is in use.
The "Backup failed" message indicates that another user or process is accessing one or more file in the folder, and the following can be done to resolve the issue:
- All users should close all instances of the application, excelpt the person who will be making the backup
- If you are a single user, it is possible that another instance of the program might still be open on your computer. Review all open applications and close any additional instances.
- Another user is accessing one of the companies - please ensure that no other user is currently accessing any of the companies in the folder
- If you have any other files open, for example PDF reports, Excel reports, Word documents, backup files etc. which is saved within the payroll application folder, the files need to be closed
- Should the issue persist, all users must restart their computers, as this will close all active runtimes accessing the data
- If the application is installed on the server, you must restart the server to release any locked files or files in use
- Once all of the files that was in use was release, you will be able to make a full system backup of your system
NOTE: In some instances, the file 'ESSSync.vdb4' (used with Mobility and Self Service) which is a shared database, could be in use by the installed application Sage Connected Services. Here are some steps to resolve this issue, if the 'ESSSync.vdb4 file is in use:
- Uninstalling Sage Connected Services, will not resolve the issue since the program will reinstall when accessing the system, and will continue running as you access and process on the system
- You can however disable Sage Connected Services once you have launched the application:
- Click on the hidden icons button (button right of your taskbar)
- Right-click on the Sage Connected Services icon
- Select 'Disable'
- This should be done by all users accessing the system from their computers
- Please note that this should be enabled again if your use Mobility or Sage Self Service.
- Click on the hidden icons button (button right of your taskbar)