Sage Bank Feeds (Banking Cloud): Bank Feed Status

Sage Accounting uses Yodlee, a third-party online banking provider. Yodlee connects to banking websites worldwide to retrieve bank statement information and make this available for use.

If an issue has been raised, it will be listed below. The listed issues will be under investigation by the respective teams and we'll aim to resolve them as soon as possible. Until the issues have been fixed your bank feed may not function as expected. The dates provided are ETAs for fixes to the issues listed and are subject to change.

Wait until your bank is listed as Operational or is reported as ‘resolved’ and then try to connect or refresh your feed again.


BankOperational(Y/N)Issue RaisedTentative ETA/SolutionAdditional Information

Nedbank Feeds are expected to have transactions delayed for 4 days.

The delay can sometimes be up to 7 days.

Reason for this: To avoid Duplicate transactions, Yodlee Implemented a “Pending Transaction Logic” to keep the transactions in pending status for 4 days.
Nedbank BusinessUnavailable Unable to link accounts
Only the 300 series business profiles that uses retail Online Banking and Money app channels are supported.

The 400 series business profile that uses the Nedbank Business Hub with authentication isn't supported.
Nedbank Direct FeedY

View our article on adding Nedbank Direct Feed
Standard BankY

ABSAYTerms and Conditions on the ABSA site need to be accepted. Once actioned, update login credentials on Sage Bank Feed for feeds to refresh successfully.


Capitec has made changes to its use of Multi-Factor Authentication. A QR code will display and needs to be scanned using the Capitec Mobile App before timeout.

Should the QR code not display, please attempt to refresh the screen a few times for it to display as it is a load issue on the Capitec site.
FNB Direct Feed(Business)Y

View our article on adding FNB Direct Feed
FNB PersonalY
View our article on how to add FNB Personal Account

To add an Investec Bank account, a user needs to be the owner or admin and MUA L4(User Level 4). Anything below Level 4 will result in the feed not adding.

The user must check the banking site to verify user access or contact Investec.
MercantileYI cannot find Mercantile Bank when searching on Bank Feeds

Search for Capitec Business and select the option with

Mercantile is a division of Capitec Bank

 Mercantile Bank uses real-time MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication). Each time a user logs into their Mercantile Bank online account, an OTP is generated due to MFA. 

Due to this feature on Mercantile Bank, the user will need to reauthorize their Sage Bank Feed more regularly.

Failing to reauthorize the Sage Bank Feed with credentials will result in no transactions coming into Sage until the feed has been reauthorized.

African BankUnavailable



Please note that Discovery Bank is no longer available for Bank Feeds. Users can import the statements manually. Please view the Sage KB article on how to import
Steps to duplicate
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