When you find yourself having problems with customer statements it is usually the selections that are being made on the available filters. This document will guide you to ensure you are able to email or print out statements successfully.
1. Filters If you are trying to email or print statements for all customers don’t select any customers at all. When you leave a filter blank it selects all customers in your customer list.
If you are selecting a specific customer make sure that you have not saved that customer's name with a space in front or after the name.
If the customer name has a space in front of the customer name you will notice that your customer list is no longer in alphabetical order… Make sure all your customer names show in alphabetical order by removing those unnecessary spaces before or after the name.
2. Date Range Using “Monthly”, and “Current Month” is the best option to use. If you change the date range please take note that there will be no statement in the date range you have selected: • There are no transactions for that customer; AND • The customer balance is zero.
3. Statement Options • If you would like the customer to see their full account history you will not tick “Show Balance Brought Forward”. • Excluding fully allocated invoices will only show documents that are still outstanding. • Recommendation: Deselect all these tick boxes
4. Excluding Balances
• Remember that if you would like your customer to view their full account history you will not exclude customers where balances are either Zero, Negative, or Less than an amount. • Recommendation: Deselect all these tick boxes
5. Statement Distribution When selecting your distribution please keep in mind that the system will look at each customer's individual “Default Settings”, see below… Make sure that you select what you’ve selected on your customer setting on the customer statement run itself so that the two options correspond.
You can change all customers’ statement distribution using the “Update” function on your customer listing screen… • Select all customers and click on update Then select “Statement distribution” in the Update field and your desired option in the “Statement distribution” field. • Save your changes. Note: For customers that you would like to exclude from the sending or printing of statements you will set their Statement distribution to “None”.
6. Preview Remember that you can always preview your statements before they are printed or emailed out. The “Send Statements” option activates the printing or emailing of the documents. |