VAT 201 Wizard: Verify/Update the Offset/Non-Offset selection

SARS allows user to make use of either Offset or Non-Offset when reporting on the VAT 201. However it is important to note that all transactional information still needs to be available in the case of an audit, irrespective of whether 2 transactions have been reported in a single value or in separate values.


What is Offset?

A vendor calculates their VAT liability, in relation to its allocated tax period, by off-setting an input tax transaction (i.e. VAT that is charged on the acquisition of goods and services and which is allowed as a deduction) against output tax transaction (i.e. VAT that is charged on the supply of goods and services by the vendor) in a specific VAT Type Field of the VAT 201 report.

Example: A user created “Capital goods and/or services supplied to you” Tax Invoice to the value of R 1000.00. He later creates a Credit Note on this Tax Invoice to the value of R 300.00. Instead of capturing R 1000.00 on Field 1A –Capital goods and/or services supplied to you Output VAT and capturing R300.00 on Field 14 – Capital goods and/or services supplied to you Input VAT, the user captures the difference (R 700.00) on Field 1A.

What is Non-Offset?

A vendor is required to calculate their VAT liability, in relation to its allocated tax period, by off-setting input tax (i.e. VAT that is charged on the acquisition of goods and services and which is allowed as a deduction) against output tax (i.e. VAT that is charged on the supply of goods and services by the vendor).

Example: A user created “Capital goods and/or services supplied to you” Tax Invoice to the value of R 1000.00. He later creates a Credit Note on this Tax Invoice to the value of R 300.00. The R 1000.00 is captured on Field 1A –Capital goods and/or services supplied to you Output VAT and R 300.00 on Field 1A –Capital goods and/or services supplied to you Output VAT, thus totalling a VAT Payable total on the VAT 201 report of R 700.00.

Note: Only users with User Permissions to Change Company Settings will be able to capture this information.

To capture this information, follow these simple steps:

Click on Company > Change Company Settings > VAT Settings > VAT Settings:

  • Verify or update the Offset Credits on Sales/Purchases in the VAT Details section.
  • Click on Save

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