EMP201 Monthly declaration

The EMP201 Report from Sage Pastel Payroll will give you a summary of the amounts that needs to be paid over to SARS on a monthly basis. Sometimes, employers want to see a breakdown of this report for control purposes, to see the contributions of individual employees.

  1. Navigate to View
  2. Click on Statutory Reports
  3. Click on EMP201
  4. Select EMP201 Monthly Declaration
  5. The Filter screen will pop up
  6. Filter for all your Employees.
  7. Click OK
  8. The EMP201 Detail screen will populate.
  9. Click on the “Print to” drop down to select the format you would want to print to
  10. Select the Month that you would like to view/print
  11. Click OK
  12. Your report will now be printed.
Steps to duplicate
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