EMP 501

Your EMP501in Sage Pastel Payroll is a summary of all of the EMP201’s that you have processed in the Payroll for this tax year and a report that will be of importance when doing your Year End and your Bi-Annual Submission.

  1. Click on View
  2. Select the Statutory Tab
  3. Then you will Click on EMP501 Reconciliation
  4. The EMP501 Reconciliation Tab will pop up
  5. Click on the “Print to” drop down to select the format you would want to print to
  6.  You will then have to select the Month from when to when you want the Report to be printed:
    1. If you are doing the Bi-Annual Submission you will select from Month 1 to Month 6.
    2. If you are doing the Year End Submission you will select from Month 1 to Month 12.
  7. And Then select OK
  8. Now your Report will be Printed.
Steps to duplicate
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