Exports - Tax Certificate Export - How to export Test and Live run

The Tax certificate export can be done for Tax Year End, Mid-Year submission or Validation purposes. 


On the Navigation pane

Expand               Exports

Double click       Tax Certificate Export


Company Rule to Export



Select the applicable Company

Tax Year

Select the Applicable Tax year e.g. 2017/2018

Export Type:


Termination Run

Print a tax certificate for employees who are terminated during the Tax Year

Interim Reconciliation

Create the Interim/Mid-year tax reconciliation file

Tax Year End

Create the Tax Year End reconciliation file and tax certificates

Validation Run

Only Validate Financial and/or Non-Financial information

Resubmission Run – Same Certificates

Resubmission with the same certificate numbers as per the previous live run

Resubmission Run – New Certificates

Resubmission with New certificate numbers. Thus, the previous certificate numbers will be overwritten

Reprint Certificates

Reprint already generated certificates

Income Tax Registration (ITREG)

Export ITREG file to import into Easyfile

EMP501 Report Only

Export only the EMP501 report

Company Rule Selection

Select the specific Company Rules to include

Certificate Printing Options


Print Certificates

Generate tax certificates as well as the Easyfile import file



Print Summary Reports

Creates the IRP5 and IT3a Summary Report

Print EMP501 Reports

Creates the EMP501 Report together with the export file

Print Recon Report

Creates the IRP5 and IT3a Reconsolidation Report

File Options


Generate Infoslips

Generate Tax Certificates which can be viewed on Infoslips

Run Type:



Do a test run of the selected company rules and import into e@syFile, this import will verify the Sage 300 People file against e@syFile validations. When there are no more errors a live run can be done.


If the test run is successful you can export the live run and import into e@syFile.

Export Path

Select a location the file and/or tax certificates should be exported to


The system will automatically generate a file name based on the Tax Year. This can however be overwritten if necessary


After completing the selection screen, the certificates can now be exported by selecting Export CSV.

Alert: Please take note of all Important messages.


A Validation Report will generate. Should there be any Errors, the Tax certificate export will not be able to continue.  You will however be able to continue with Warnings.



The EMP501 Recon Report can be viewed on screen, or alternatively be exported to Excel.  To Export to Excel, please right click on the grid and then select Export to XLSX.  If you do not wish to export to Excel, the screen can now be closed.

The export will now be complete and the export file can be found it the selected folder.




Steps to duplicate
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