Export - Tax Certificate Export - Reconciliate Differences

The EMP 501 can be printed, to reconcile PAYE, SDL,ETI and UIF calculated on the system to what was paid over to SARS. 


On the Navigation pane

Expand  Exports

Double click   Tax Certificate Export

Ensure to select EMP 501 Report Only under Export Type.

Compare each month totals of the EMP501 report to the PAYE, SDL, ETI and UIF paid as shown on the statement of account from SARS or the monthly EMP 201. 

This report can be exported to Excel by right clicking anywhere on the screen, the payments can be captured for ease of reference under the PAYE, SDL,ETIand UIF Paid columns.

This way you can easily establish the differences, for the specific months and for the specific values; either PAYE, UIF, SDL and ETI.  Now that you know which month has a difference, you can further investigate by seeing which employee this difference is applicable to.

The payroll analysis report can be printed for the specific month with a difference.

On the Navigation pane

Expand  Reports

Expand  Financial Analysers

Double click   Payroll Analysis

Under line items, you can select PAYE, SDL or UIF depending on what values had differences on the EMP 501.


Click here for the full guide on how to print the payroll analysis report

The report can then be compared to the EMP 201 detail report or payslip printed in that specific month.

Once you have the employee with differences; access the History Payslip of the employee of the specific month and compare.

On the Navigation pane

Expand  Employee Management

Double Click   History Payslip

You will have to establish if the differences were due to incorrect changes that was not supposed to happen, then you will have to remove the difference with tax adjustment payslip;

Click here for guide for tax adjustment payslip


If the differences were due to correct changes made that was supposed to happen, then you will have to restate that month’s EMP201 and do the correct payment to SARS.

Steps to duplicate
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