How to print the EMP501 Reconciliation report

Printing the EMP501 Reconciliation Report 

From the Main Menu:

  • History 
  • Reports  
  • EMP501 Reconciliation Report 
  • Select the period(s) required, within the current tax year  

Select whether to include only the 'current company' or 'multiple companies' 
If 'Multiple Companies' are selected, a list of all companies with the same PAYE Registration Number will be displayed.

Double click on the applicable companies to change the “No” in the selected column to “Yes”.

Take note of the onscreen messages. A report preview will display. If multiple companies were included in the selections, take note that only one report will display, reflecting consolidated values. 

Example of the fields which will display.

This report may be printed by selecting the Printer icon on the top left.

When the above screen is closed, a pop up message will display asking whether the information should display in Excel.

It is recommended that the user choose 'Yes'. This will allow the user to complete the reconciliation in Excel.

Excel will open automatically and the information will populate in the Excel template.

TIP: Be sure to 'enable content' in order for the values to pull through to the template.

Complete the fields highlighted in yellow with the amounts paid to SARS. (Use your receipts from SARS as a source document.) Then save the report. 

If there are differences between the Total Amount Paid to SARS and the Total Liability on payroll, print the following reports to assist with the reconciliation process:

  • The EMP201 reports printed on a monthly basis
  • The 12 Month Report or the History Report
  • The EMP501 Validation Report
Steps to duplicate
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