How do I start a new period?

This procedure is used to end off the processing for the Current Period, and to Start a new Processing Period. Once this routine has been done, no changes can be made to the information for the Old Period.


When you have finished your processing for a particular Pay Period, printed all Reports and Payslips, done all Exports and taken a Backup, you are ready to do the Start of Period/Month procedure. The system will accumulate the figures of the Current Period to the Year-to-Date Totals, and it will also do preparations for the next Processing Period.

This procedure thus closes off the Current Period and takes you into your next Processing Period.

To Access the Start of a New Period:
Click on Utilities
Click on Start New Period

The Start of a New Period screen for a Monthly-paid company:


The Start of a New Period screen for a Weekly/Bi-weekly paid company:


NOTE: Always check the dates that are displayed on this screen.


Fields at the top of the Start of a New Period screen:

Field Description
Current Salary Month/Period End Date This is the End Date of the month/period which you have just finished processing.
Tax Year End Date This is the End Date of the Tax Year in which the Processing Period falls.
Is All Printing Completed for

In a Monthly paid company:

  • The name of the month for which you have completed processing is displayed, e.g. March.

For a Weekly/Bi-weekly paid company:

  • The Period End Date is displayed, e.g. 28/03/2007.

If the printing is completed select (a tick) this option, otherwise click on Close at the bottom of the screen.

Fields at the bottom of this screen:

Field Description
Processing Month

In Monthly paid companies:

  • The Old Period column shows the name of the month for which processing has just been completed and the New Period column shows the name of the month for which processing must be done after the roll-over.

In Weekly or Bi-weekly paid companies:

  • If you have just processed the last period of the month, e.g. week 4 of 4, week 5 of 5 or period 2 of 2, the Old Period column shows the name of the month for which you have just completed processing, e.g. March and the New Period column shows the name of the following month for which processing must be done, e.g. April.
  • If you have processed a period within the month, e.g. week 2 of 4, week 1 of 5 or period 1 of 2, the Old Period and the New Period show the name of the same month, e.g. March.
Period End Dates In the Old Period column, the End Date of the month/period which you have just completed processing is displayed. In the New Period column, the End Date of the following month/period which is to be processed is displayed.
Period Number in the Tax Year In the Old Period column, the period number of the
month/period which you have just completed processing is displayed, e.g. 4 of 52 for a weekly paid company and 1 of 12 for a monthly paid company. In the New Period column, the period number of the following month/period which is to be processed, isdisplayed, 5 of 52 for a weekly paid company and 2 of 12 for a monthly paid company.
Company Start Date for Tax Year Except when you are doing a Start of a New Period into a new Tax Year, this field should be the same for both Old Period and New Period, e.g. 2007/03/01
Number of Calendar Days processed for Tax Year Number of Calendar Days processed for Tax Year
Pay Period in this Month (For Weekly and Bi-weekly paid companies) When doing a start of period to a new month, you need to select your month end date. Click on the correct month-end date to use, for the following Processing Month, from the available options in
the Combo box. Selecting the correct month-end date is very important as this will determine to which dates the Month-to-Date totals will accumulate.


The following three fields will also be displayed if they are used in the company:

  • Number of Weeks in Month,
  • Number of Working Days in Month, and
  • Standard Number of Shifts

If you do input via batches and there are any outstanding batches for the Current Processing Period, which have been entered but not updated, an onscreen message will warn you of the unupdated batch. You will only be able to proceed with the Start of a New Period procedure once the outstanding batches have been updated or deleted.

NOTE: If you decide to update the outstanding Batches, the Reports and Payslips which have already been printed, will have to be re-printed.

Ensure that all the information is correct and click on Continue to perform the Start of a New Period procedure, otherwise click on Close . If you have not filled in all the required information, the following message will be displayed:

Enter the required information, or click on the fields to accept the defaults.

You will be asked whether you wish to print the Audit Trail:

If you select Yes , the Audit Trail will be printed, and you will be asked whether the Audit Trail has
been printed successfully. The Start of a New Period process will commence.

While the Start of a New Period is in progress a screen similar to the one below is displayed:

Various messages may show during this routine:

  • A message instructing to re-index files: Re-indexing will improve processing speed and is recommended.
  • Employees over the RA limit: No action is required as the system will automatically apply the limit

Once the Start of a New Period routine has been completed, you will receive a message similar to this:

CAUTION: The Start of a New Period procedure may take a few minutes. Please be patient. Do NOT
interrupt the Start of a New Period procedure!

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