You process payments and receipts via one or more bank accounts. You can reconcile these bank accounts against the bank statement if you wish to.
The reconciliation process does not affect any values on your system, and its use is optional. It lets you match each payment and receipt you have entered into the system against a physical bank statement. This helps you to ensure that the amounts are correct. For example, you may write a cheque for 100.00, but enter it into the system as 1,000.00. Alternatively, the bank can make an error.
The reconciliation process also helps you know the value of the cheques that are not yet in your bank statement, so that you can plan your cash flow. For example, you may have cash in the bank, but unless you know the value of cheques that suppliers have not yet deposited, you do not know whether there are enough funds in the bank. If your reconciliation is up to date, you can view these undeposited cheques.
NOTE: The bank reconciliation takes into account all payments, receipts and other transfers that you have entered. This includes customer receipts, supplier payments and other account transactions.