The Year End Checklist

Year End Check List



Reconciling your company

1.     Reconciled your Banks and Credit cards


Item Adjustments

1.     Stock (Item) Adjustments


2.     Recording Inventory on Hand on your Balance Sheet
Note: This step is only required if you have not activated the Advanced Inventory module in your company


Printing Year End Reports

1.     Printed the Trial Balance Report

Note: This video will demonsrate how to view all the Year End reports


2.     Printed the Profit and Loss Report


3.     Printed the Balance Sheet Report


4.     Printed the Customer Balances – Days Outstanding Report


5.     Printed the Supplier Balances – Days Outstanding Report


6.     Printed the Item Valuation Report


Performing the Year End

1.     Changed the Current Financial Year check box to the new financial year


2.     Set a Lockdown date



Please click here for the Year End FAQ's

Steps to duplicate
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