In Sage 50cloud Pastel while you can import customer, supplier and inventory master information. You can also import certain batches like journals, cashbooks and customer and supplier documents. This means that you can create the batch in excel as a .csv file and then import the .csv excel file into Sage 50cloud Pastel. While importing a .csv file is quicker, you will need to make sure that you have created the import file in the correct layout. NOTE: Do not input special characters on the import file, for example, “$@!’ There are 2 types of records: The header appears first, followed by the details for that record. Refer to article Sample Demo Document Import File (for Customer or supplier documents) Before creating a csv file in Excel - Go to Setup...Periods.
- The Setup Period screen will display:
3. In the Per column, you will see numbers from 01-12 or 01-13 depending on if you have setup a 13th period. 4. These numbers represent your periods in a .csv file. 5. Make a note of the Start and End dates for the Per column. 6. Click OK. Before importing the batch file - Open Excel to create the batch file as per the Sage 50cloud Pastel layout.
- The batch files look similar to the example below.

NOTE: Each document will have only 1 header but can have multiple details = lines on the document. - Enter the necessary fields as per the layout file.
- Select the date fields in column G and U.
- Right-click and select Format Cells.
- The Format Cells screen will display.
- Select the Number Tab.
- Click Custom.
- Under Type, enter dd/mm/yyyy.
- Click OK.
- Click File...Save As.
- Select where you wish to save the .csv file.
- Enter a name for the file, for example, Supplier doc Aug2024.csv.
- On the option Save as Type, select the option CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv).
Importing a customer/ supplier documents - Select Process Customers/Suppliers.
- By Document Type select the document you wish to import.
- Click Batch button and select Import.
- The Export/Import screen will display.
- Click the magnifying glass by Import File Name.
- Go to where you saved the import file.
- Select the file and click Open.
- Click Process to import the batch.
- A message will display with the number of documents imported.
Refer to article How do I print a list of the documents in an open batch? to ensure the information imported is correct. NOTE: The document numbers you enter on the import file will be ignored when importing. Sage 50cloud Pastel will allocate the numbers automatically however you will still need to have this field filled for the import to work.